Trezor One Manual
Setting up your Trezor One
Step 1: Install Trezor Bridge
On your computer, start an internet browser (Google Chrome or Firefox) and go to the Trezor website . Select the Trezor One by clicking on it. The website may then ask you to confirm whether the seal is still on the Trezor. If this is the case, click on 'Continue'. If not, please contact our support team. Now you can install Trezor Bridge. This is software that helps your computer communicate with the Trezor. Select your operating system (Windows, MacOS or Linux) and press 'Download the latest Bridge'. Open the downloaded file and go through the installation process. When the process is complete, Trezor Bridge will automatically start working in the background.
Step 2: Connect
Connect the Trezor One to a computer using the USB cable provided. Sometimes connecting the cable to the Trezor can require a bit of force. When the Trezor is connected, the display will automatically turn on. Now go to .
Step 3: Install Firmware
Next, the correct firmware needs to be updated. This can be done simply by clicking the 'Install Firmware' button. This may take a while.
Step 4: Create Wallet
Now you can create a new wallet. Click on the 'Create new' button. Your Trezor will now ask for confirmation. Press 'Confirm' on the Trezor
Step 5: Create backup
A backup is very important. We recommend never sending coins to the device before you have made a backup. A backup is a one-time thing and should be kept safe. It gives you access to your coins even if the device breaks. Click on 'Create a backup in 3 minutes' on your computer. Read the text and confirm that you understand how to save the backup. Click 'Continue'. Your Trezor will now show 24 words. Write these correctly and in the right order on the paper provided. Then press and hold the green button to confirm. The Trezor will now ask you to go through all the words one more time and check them thoroughly.
Step 6: Choose PIN code
Once you have completed the check, you will return to your computer screen. Press 'Continue'. Your Trezor will now ask you if you want to set a PIN code. Click 'Confirm' on your Trezor. You can now choose a PIN code on your computer screen with which you can log in. On your computer screen, you will see nine empty buttons. On your Trezor, you can see which button corresponds to which number. You will then have to confirm the PIN code. Please note! The order of the numbers on your Trezor will change the second time.
Step 7: Name the device
On your computer screen, press 'Continue' twice. Now enter a name for your device and press 'Confirm to continue'. On the Trezor, press 'Confirm' to confirm your name.
Congratulations! Your Trezor One is now ready to use!